About: Molly

Full Name
Molly Hacker
I'm 32 years old and I'm a reporter for the Swansea Herald, a small, on-the-swank side bedroom community of New York City. I'm a features reporter *and* the obituary writer. (Long story!) I blog about men, life, and everything on my mind. I'm snarky, over-analytical, a bit crazy, but loving. I adore cats, men, designer shoes, old movies and flowers. Not necessarily in that order -- it depends on which day you ask me! My book, MOLLY HACKER IS TOO PICKY! will be out in the fall of 2011, published by Saberlee Books.* Character created by author Lisette Brodey ©2010 www.lisettebrodey.com www.twitter.com/lisettebrodey Find on FB under "Lisette Brodey, Author." http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2774659.Lisette_Brodey

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