Nov 30 2011
My ninth book, Love, Look Away, was published on October 10, 2019. Set in the same town where Molly Hacker lives, Love, Look Away tells the story of Sage Gordon, the owner of a metaphysical gift shop, Sage Earth Gifts, who has been so hurt by love, she’s asked it to look away. (But does Love ever really listen?)
While this new romantic comedy is not a sequel to Molly Hacker Is Too Picky!, Molly and friends (and enemies) are supporting characters in the new book.
Love, Look Away is available on in both Kindle and paperback. You can find it here.
Spotlight on Romance Author Jan Romes’ Blog for Love, Look Away (October 14, 2019)
on Hotel Obscure at Snowflakes in a Blizzard blog (September 16, 2019)
in’s 10 Chilling Paranormal YA Books Featuring Ghosts (September 5, 2019)
with poet Helle Gade (May 26, 2019)
Feature with author Anna Belfrage (May 5, 2019)
Newsletter from U.S. Today Best-Selling Author Sue-Ellen Wellfonder talking about Hotel Obscure (March 11, 2019)
about Hotel Obscure with author Deborah Nam-Krane (February 16, 2019)
Featured Selection: Hotel Obscure – Blog of Caleb & Linda Pirtle (October 5, 2018)
Release spotlight for Hotel Obscure on blog of author Eden Baylee (October 6, 2018)
: Molly Hacker Is Too Picky! Blog of Caleb & Linda Pirtle (September 6, 2018)
Spotlight on Drawn Apart at Venture Galleries (June 2, 2016)
Interview with author Maria Savva (June 20, 2016)
with author Jan Romes (May 2, 2016)
Interview with author Tamara Ferguson (April 26, 2016)
with author Rebecca Laclair (February 15, 2016)
New Release Blog by author Maria Savva (November 22, 2015)
Interview at Jan’s Blog with author Jan Romes (November 19, 2015)
Spotlight at author Eden Baylee’s website (November 12, 2015)
Interview at Jan’s Blog with author Jan Romes (March 10, 2014)
Interview at Words Unlimited with author Julia Hughes (February 23, 2014)
at One Writer’s Journey with author Penny Ehrenkranz (January 27, 2014)
, book #1 in a YA paranormal trilogy, The Desert Series (October 2013)
of my books by BestsellerBound (September 27, 2013)
Interview with author Raine Thomas (May 6, 2013) – With an excerpt from Squalor, New Mexico
Interview with author Molly Ringle: (April 19, 2013)
Interview with author Lorna Suzuki (March 10, 2013)
Interview with YA author Tiffany A White: Lisette Brodey on Hollywood and Writing (January 25, 2013)
Launch of my brand new author website. (November 14, 2012)
with Michelle Halket, founder of Central Avenue Publishing (October 21, 2012)
with author Eden Baylee: Inside A Writer’s Mind (August 19, 2012)
Blog Post by author Dean Mayes about Molly Hacker Is Too Picky! (June 19, 2012)
Interview with author Penny Ehrenkranz (June 19, 2012)
Interview with author Jaidis Shaw (May 16, 2012)
.99 Kindle Sale for Molly Hacker Is Too Picky! EXTENDED! (Second week in May 2012)
.99 Kindle Sale for Molly Hacker Is Too Picky (First week in May 2012)
Interview with writer/blogger Jamie Corrigan: May 2, 2012
Interview with author Maria Savva about my novel Squalor, New Mexico: April 23, 2012
Giveaway: A signed PB copy of Molly Hacker Is Too Picky! included in writer Jamie Corrigan’s giveaway: April 1, 2012
Blog by author Darlene Arden: Molly Hacker Is Too Picky! March 28, 2012
Interview / Giveaway on until March 23, 2012
Review by author LK Gardner-Griffie on The LL Book Review: February 10, 2011
Interview with author Richard C. Hale: January 5, 2011
with writer Dorothy Dreyer: December 13, 2011
Note from the Author, Lisette Brodey – April 25, 2016
Hi, Friends!
Welcome! This site is dedicated to my romantic comedy, Molly Hacker Is Too Picky! Snarky, over-analytical, and fun-loving Molly, a 32-year-old reporter, is looking for true love and she refuses to settle for Mr. Wrong.
(Click on the Synopsis link to learn more. To read Chapter 1, just click on the Excerpt link.)
For information on all nine of my books, please visit my author website or About The Author on this site. In addition to posting blogs and guest blogs there (at Lisette’s Writers’ Chateau), I frequently interview my fabulous fellow authors, both indie and mainstream.
And now, I’m thrilled to present the new cover for Molly Hacker Is Too Picky!, illustrated by artist Charles M. Roth.
Some of you have been here before, perhaps to check out Molly’s Monday blogs (which ran regularly from February through October 2011) or to read the interviews with her creative peers. Whether you have been a regular visitor or are brand new to this site, welcome. Thank you for coming!
You can purchase the paperback or Kindle edition of Molly Hacker Is Too Picky! on and you if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited, you can read the book for free.
It was been a long and interesting road blogging as the main character of a novel. Molly’s blogs reveal much about crazy life that’s not in the novel.
Before I go, I want to share a bit of nostalgia with you. When the first edition of Molly Hacker Is Too Picky! was first published, Molly insisted on producing a rap video about her life. Want to see it? Just look below.
Best wishes to all!
And now, here’s Molly: (This video was done with the original cover)
Hey, cool peeps, my name is Molly Hacker,
A hardworking woman; I ain’t never been a slacker.
I’ve always been choosy, people call me picky,
Accepting second best is unacceptable and icky.
I work as a reporter for the Swansea Herald
Writing ‘bout the town, and the world so very periled.
In addition to my stories, I write obituaries,
One more crazy task to add to all my worries.
Well, I love designer labels, and super fab shoes,
I own not one but three pairs of Jimmy Choos.
I live in a town pop-u-lated by the wealthy,
Peeps that overtan till they’re toasted and unhealthy.
My least fave person in this quaint and charming burb,
Is Naomi Hall-Benchley, who is headin’ for da curb.
This she-devil thinks herself a sassy charm-ah
With no freakin’ clue, there’s a thing they call karma.
Enough about that woman, she’s enough to make you gag,
Can’t wait for the day she’s a used-up toothless hag.
If you’re still listenin’, then I’ll tell you ‘bout my life
And why I’m so picky ‘bout the man to call me “wife.”
No point in being married, just to be some dude’s missus,
I’d rather have a dog that would give me sloppy kisses.
I’m searching for true love, complete, and enduring
A man who’s freakin’ funny, ‘cause life sux when it is boring.
So, yeah, I’m Picky Molly, got my pedal to the metal,
And no freakin’ way, this girl is gonna settle.
Yours in pickiness,